August 2023 Releases
Yoda faces a tough lesson in the finale of Marvel’s deep dive into the legendary [READ MORE]
Coming soon: Star Wars: The High Republic Phase One Omnibus
Announced today on the New Mint Condition YouTube channel, we’re getting a special Star Wars: [READ MORE]
Q&A: Do you consider specific ships when writing popular characters?
Helena asked: Do you bear certain character ships in mind when writing characters like Nightwing [READ MORE]
Making comics: Dead Seas cover concepts
Dead Seas #3 is out today, so remember to pick up your issue as our [READ MORE]
Making comics: The lettering script
A quick behind-the-scenes glimpse at part of the comic process. Today, I’ve prepared a lettering [READ MORE]
Q&A: What was the first horror film you ever saw?
Nicola Reeves emailed the website and asked: What was the first horror film you ever [READ MORE]
Talking Dead Seas on Capes and Tights
Nick Brokenshire and yours truly discuss Dead Seas with Justin Soderberg on the latest Capes [READ MORE]
Q&A: The subtitle of Star Wars: The High Republic #3
Over on Mastodon, Florian asked me: THR#2 and #3 are both titled “Tey Sirrek” in [READ MORE]
Check out the new Ward book trailer!
How cool is this? An awesome new book trailer for The Ward by the talented [READ MORE]
Friday Update – 27th January 2023
How is it Friday again? Saying that, how is it nearly the end of January? [READ MORE]
Friday Update – 20th January 2023
A quick update today. This week has been all about two scripts, one that really [READ MORE]