How is it Friday again? Saying that, how is it nearly the end of January? Is time running quicker or something? Slow down year!
It’s been another busy few days, jumping between the animation script that needed a lot of work and a graphic novel I have to complete by the end of next week. As of Wednesday, the animation script is in and awaiting notes, while the graphic novel script is now only 20 pages from the end!
In the midst of all this, I shot up to Stratford-Upon-Avon for my monthly catch-up with George Mann where we worked on the movie we have in the works. It was freezing cold and foggy (the drive home in the dark particularly hair-raising), but I always look forward to those days and the plans for the movie are very exciting. As with all things Hollywood, we have a long way to go, but getting there has been a blast so far.
This week also saw a couple of new releases, Dead Seas #2 and Yoda #3, the latter of which pulled in this wonderful review which made me just beam!
Away from work, I finished The Shadow Glass by Josh Winning, a novel that every Labyrinth and Dark Crystal fan should read. Yes, that means you! I especially liked this passage that talked of the joy fans get from their favourite fandoms, in this case, the fictional fantasy flick of the title:
Talking about celebrating the things that define us, we took our kids (and my mother-in-law) to see the Queen Extravaganze at Bath Forum mid-week. What a performance! As I wrote over on Instagram, I regularly use Queen’s music to give me a boost when I’m running low, and the gig definitely gave me a shot in the arm and put a big smile on my face, especially as I got to share it with my Freddie-loving daughters too! If you love Queen, try to catch them on the rest of the tour!
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