Greetings from a slightly jet-lagged writer trying to work out what he does post-SDCC! I landed back from the US yesterday afternoon and am still a bit bleary, but am supping many cups of tea to recover. A full con report will follow, but in the meantime I have not one, but two comics out today. The first is Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor #14 which I’ve blogged about here.
Issue three of TEKKEN also hits comic stores today, with art by the wonderful Andie Tong, with colours by Mauricio Wallace and letters by Jimmy Betancourt.
Here’s previews of the first few fight-tastic pages…
The issue also has three wonderful covers. Cover A is by Anton K…
Cover B is by Paolo Villanelli….
And cover C is by our main artist, Andie…
Get your mitts on TEKKEN #3 by heading down to your local comic store, or digitally at Comixology US and UK.
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