Talking Star Wars at Port Haven

I had great fun being interviewed by Jess (AKA YodaBauer) of Port Haven fame this week.

They posted the 30-minute interview today, and you can watch it right here:

As you’d expect, we focus on Star Wars, talking about my work on Adventures in Wild SpaceStar Wars Adventures and From a Certain Point of View, although I obviously can’t get through an interview without also mentioning Doctor Who or Pacific Rim.

Jess was a great interviewer, who really put me at ease. I’d recommend checking out her other videos, including a great analysis of the Force Visions in The Last Jedi and Rey’s search for identity. She’s also been working her way through Adventures in Wild Space, reviewing each of the books in turn. You can find the Port Haven AIWS review playlist here. 

Of course, the video also gives you chance to try to work out all the books on the shelves in my study…

Thanks to Jess and Port Haven for their time. I hope you all enjoy the chat… which reminds me – I’m in the process of compiling a list of my interviews past and present, which will continue to grow as I dip back into the archives. You can find it here.



  1. I watched the whole thing and I did spend a good portion of that half hour trying to decipher your books! I did spot “From A Certain Point of View” for sure.

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