Project: Nirvana on the Big Finish podcast

If you fancy something to listen to why not download the third August podcast from Big Finish. In this edition the Big Finish boys preview the releases for September including Project: Nirvana written by Mark Wright and yours truly.

Our latest Doctor Who Companion Chronicle sees former soldiers Captain Aristedes and Sally Morgan, sent on a mission by the Doctor in his fight against the elder gods.

Here’s the official blurb from the Big Finish website:

The place is Easterm Europe. The year is 2015.

The TARDIS lands in mid-air, and Captain Lysandra Aristedes is dropped into a daring mission in her own past. There are enemies and creatures out there in the night, and the Doctor is waiting at the rendezvous point.

Because this is all part of his bigger picture. And Aristedes is going to learn something about herself…

Of course, if you follow Big Finish’s main range of Doctor Who audio adventures you’ll know that Lysandra Aristedes, first introduced in our 2005 novel Project: Valhalla and played by the wonderful Maggie O’Neill in Project: Destiny, has now become one of the Seventh Doctor’s companions. I’m still staggered how the Forge and its personnel has become such a big part of Big Finish’s Doctor Who world, from Cassie and Hex to Lynsandra. We never dreamt it would be so influential when we first wrote Project: Twilight.

Aristedes first appearance as part of the TARDIS crew – Matt Fitton’s Black and White – is out now. My copy hasn’t arrived yet, but it will be interesting to hear Aristedes saying words we haven’t written.

I really am fond of the character and hopefully Mark and I will be writing some new adventures for her in the near future…

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