Cruncher the Dodger in this week’s Beano

Roger the Dodger gets a shock in this week’s Beano, when Cruncher, his arch-enemy, decides he wants to be Roger’s apprentice! This is one of my favourite strips in my run so far and I love the expressions on Crusher’s face in Wayne’s art.

When he was working on this one, Wayne also sent me another little bit of behind the scene stuff. Here are his original thumbnails on my script.


And these early roughs, of course, go on to become something glorious like this:


I love getting the new art through from Wayne, but sometimes don’t always notice the little easter eggs he slips in, like a certain superhero’s cameo that I only spotted when I was reading the finished strip in the Beano yesterday.


A timely appearance there, as my first Bananaman strip, also drawn by Wayne, appears in next week’s issue. Here’s a little taster from the Beano‘s next issue page:


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