New Book Day: Curious Cal and the Wish Machine is go

1-curious-cal-lo-RGBAs Madame Vastra once said, “Here we go again…”

My third Fiction Express interactive e-book launched half-an-hour ago – Curious Cal and the Wish Machine.

It’s the same deal as Snaffles the Cat Burglar and The Gloom Lord. A chapter goes up on Friday afternoon, school children all around the world vote on the cliffhanger and, once the results are in the following Tuesday, I write the next chapter depending on their choices. And on we go until we reach the end in five weeks time.

I love writing these books, as the children really get involved with the stories, asking questions on the Fiction Express blog and even writing their own fiction based on the characters.

Here’s the blurb:

Cal never ever looks before he leaps. His curiosity always gets the better of him. So, what will happen when he’s lets loose in a laboratory of mad and marvellous machines? And can the wish machine really give Cal what he desires? You decide!

It’s exciting to know that kids will be reading chapter one right this very minute! Woo! Here’s hoping they enjoy Cal’s adventure with his mad inventor of a neighbour. I wonder what one of the three solutions to the cliffhanger they’ll choose?

Another Fiction Express e-book starts today as well – The Curse of Castle Cranston by Alex Woolf. I can’t wait to read it myself. Good luck Alex!

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