The Obverse Book of Ghosts is out today. I’m really proud of this little ghostly volume and the 12 writers who have contributed.
To find out more about my band of ghostly writers click on the links below:
•George Mann (The Affinity Bridge, Ghosts of Manhattan)
•Paul Magrs (Creator of Iris Wildthyme, The Brenda and Effie Series)
•Tom Fletcher (The Leaping)
•Guy Adams (The World House, Torchwood: The House That Jack Built)
•Rebecca Levene (The Infernal Game series, Tomes of the Dead: Anno Mortis)
•Mark Michalowski (Being Human: Chasers, Doctor Who: Shining Darkness)
•Mark Wright – (Doctor Who: Project Destiny, co-producer of Iris Wildthyme audios)
•Nick Walters (Doctor Who: Reckless Engineering, Doctor Who: The Fall of Yquatine)
•Scott Handcock (Doctor Who: The Rising Night, Dark Shadows)
•Stuart Douglas (Iris Wildthyme and the Celestial Omnibus, Miss Wildthyme and Friends Investigate)
•Philip Meeks
There is a 13th tale – Missed Calls by yours truly. Well, I can’t be expected to edit a book and not slip one of mine into it, can I?The Obverse Book of Ghosts is available from the Obverse website and a number of online retailers, includingAmazon.
And if you want to find out more, there’s an interview with me about the book here…
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