NOTE: This update was originally sent out to Cavan’s newsletter earlier this week.
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Welcome to my first newsletter of 2020!
This week I thought I’d bring you up to date with my raft of projects to give you a peek at what I’m going to be up to for the next few months.
I’ll start with the one that I guess a lot of folk reading this are most interested in. Certainly it’s the one I get the most questions about on Twitter!This week we thought we’d bring you up to date with Cavan’s raft of projects to give you an insight of what he’s been up to and his plans for the next few months.
For those who don’t know, Project Luminous is the top secret Star Wars initiative that I’ve been working on since September 2018 with fellow writers Claudia Gray, Justina Ireland, Daniel José Older and Charles Soule. If you need a little background for it, then check out my blog post here.
Work is continuing apace, and I’m currently at various stages of my own little corners of the galaxy while working with the other Luminous writers on their sub-projects too. Plans are currently coming together for the grand reveal of what Luminous actually is – something a lot of you have been dying to know since we first teased the project at last year’s Star Wars CelebrationChicago. All I can say is that news is finally coming soon, I promise!
Obviously I can’t give you any solid details at the moment (although folks have read far too much into the fact that I’m reading the Darth Bane novels at the moment! That’s just for fun!)
I can, however, give you a little glimpse behind the curtain about how we work. The five Luminous authors are in pretty much daily contact, even though we’re scattered across two continents. We have a private discussion forum where we largely ‘meet’, throwing ideas back and forth, and then we have weekly video conferences, which alternate between catch-up with our very own Nick Fury, Lucasfilm’s Michael Siglain and video chats between the five of us to discuss plot points or brainstorm ideas together.
I realise that you’d rather know what those plot points are, but unfortunately I would be hunted down like Sithspawn if I revealed anything more before the official announcement, but I promise that as soon as I can I will fire some info out to you.
While you wait why not check out this week’s Rise of Kylo Ren comic by my Luminous co-conspirator Charles, out now!
2020 will see the launch of two brand new creator-owned comics from me. Neither has been officially announced yet, so I have to be vague, but I’ll try to give you as much info as I can.
The first I’ll refer to in this newsletter as the Urban Fantasy Comic. This is a four-issue mini-series that is planned to launch in the autumn. All four scripts are written, the first two issues locked, and work on the art is underway for issue one.
The second is a Horror Noir Comic, which is currently planned to be ten issues long. We’ve just locked the script for issue one and the artist has started character designs. My plan is to write the scripts for issue two and three this month.
Much of my work is still licensed material, although I’m planning to balance that out with original projects over the next few years.
At the moment, I’m wrapping up work on the Warhammer Adventures line of junior novels I’m writing for Games Workshop. All six are written and I’m expecting notes on the final adventure this month.
The next book in the series – War of the Orks – is out June 11th and here’s the cover, which I don’t think I’ve shared anywhere previously.
I’m also writing a game-related comic book for a US publisher (the first issue is locked and the second is in first draft) and have a pitch in for a franchise I’ve been a dying to write for, oooh, since the 1980s! Waiting nervously for word on that one.
Finally, then there’s something slightly different. I’m currently developing a brand new property for a US film studio that will first appear as a comic book and hopefully make the leap to TV or movies. More on that as soon as I can talk about it.
So, lots going on, with more projects bubbling under the surface too. On top of all that, I have some other work-related goals, which I’ll share with you in the next newsletter.
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