The Church and the Crown for a fiver

Following on from yesterday, today’s your chance to get hold of The Church of the Crown for the bargain price of just £5.

This is the second story Mark and I wrote for Big Finish’s main range and is still my favourite. There’s no aliens at all, except for the good Doctor himself, but plenty of swashbuckling and daring -do. Interestingly, it is also no where as violent as Project: Twilight. Yesterday, I stumbled upon this blog which talks of the graphic nature of some of Project: Twilight’s scenes. The author says:

Project Twilight is not a pleasant story, it delves very far into the realm of shock horror which I don’t think suits Doctor Who, yet the reactions of the Doctor and Evelyn save this one for me as they are genuinely disturbed by what happens around them.

True enough, there’s no way that the BBC would approve some of the more horrific scenes in Project: Twilight. Ten years ago Doctor Who was a very different beast and we could push things a lot further. Of course, I am a bit of a horror fan as well which probably had a lot to do with it.

All that said, The Church and the Crown is far funnier and light-hearted than any of the Forge tales (including Lazarus which will on sale for a fiver tomorrow bargain fans). I think this is why I like it so much. It was so different to what we had just written and, in a lot of cases, than the material we would write for Big Finish in the future.

Talking of which, this story also features Marcus Hutton as the villainous Duke of Buckinghamshire. We’ve just worked with Marcus again – he plays Thomas Carnacki, the Ghost Finder in Guy Adam’s Iris Rides Out, available from Big Finish in August.

And while you wait for that, why not pick up The Church and the Crown for just a fiver!


M’colleague Mark Wright has just posted about the commissioning of The Church and the Crown over at his blog. Go see…


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