Happy New Year! I hope you had a good Christmas break. Mine was blissfully peaceful, involved a lot of Toblerone, and included a wonderful winter wedding in the frosty Pembrokeshire countryside.
Today was my first day back at work, kicking off with a new Bash Street Kids strip for The Beano, before I turned my attention to the second draft of Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #11. In the middle of it all, we also had to deal with a very poorly guinea pig, with trips back and forth to the gym and more to come tomorrow.
But taking a break from all that, this is a bit of a general post to round up some news of the last few days.
Adventures in Wild Space
First up, the US edition of Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space – The Snare is out now.
I also discovered yesterday that the first book in the series – the World Book Day The Escape – was the UK’s 48th bestselling book in 2016. Thanks to everyone who picked it up! World Book Day and being welcomed into the Star Wars family were two of the real highlights of my last year.
Cult Q&A
An interview with yours truly has popped up on the We Are Cult website. I talk about my pop culture heroes, writing partners, Vikings, writer’s block and much more. Click the image below to read it.
Facebook me
Talking about clicking on things, I’ve neglected my Facebook author’s page for far too long and so have made a resolution – yes, one of those New Year things – to keep it up to date. If you haven’t already, please head over and like the page. I’m even planning one of those new fangled Facebook Live videos soon.
The month ahead
And so here is January. My big job this month is to write a new tie-in novel. I start tomorrow. Wish me luck!
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