Rotten Bananamen and photo dodgers in this week’s Beano!

Back in my days as a Nutty reader, I used to love the issues when Bananaman ate a dodgy ‘nana and became all thin and scrawny, so when I started my second run of Bananaman strips in the Beano I couldn’t resist putting my own spin on the gag. This week, the villainous Appleman uses a Rottonizer Ray to turn Mr B bad.


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the issue, Roger has to dodge his way out of the school photo.


Now, I know Bash Street’s pupils are a bunch of animals, but before artist Wayne Thompson did his magic, I didn’t realise little Ted Bear went there!

As always, it’s another great issue, but I was especially glad to see Alan Ryan’s Smudge getting a full page! The scruffy schoolboy was always one of my favourites and is still making me chortle all these years later. Good work Alan!



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