Planet Dinosaur US

Just a quick note to say that the US edition of Planet Dinosaur, the book I wrote last year to accompany the BBC TV series is now available. Rraagh!

OK, it’s been available for a while, but I’ve been a busy chap and haven’t got around to blogging about it.

The good news (for my ego at least) is that, unlike the UK edition, it features my name on the cover and spine. God Bless America.

You can pick it up from Amazon and all good US bookstores.

In the meanwhile, it’s been a good week all things told. Highlights of the last five days have included:

  • A productive day at the London Book Fair where lots of conversations about exciting things were had.
  • The delivery of my latest kids’ book to Penguin, a week ahead of deadline (a week ahead I tell you).
  • The pinch-myself-because-I-can’t-quite-believe-we’re-writing-it storyline for a future Scott-Wright script was approved.
  • A commission to write something for LEGO (my not so inner child is hopping up and down in glee).
  • News of a brilliant bit of casting on an upcoming Iris Wildthyme audio drama.
  • 4,000 words written of my new kids’  monster storybook.

Oh, and it was my 39th birthday on Wednesday. The year of hanging onto my 30s by my fingernails begins. I am already composing the list of things I want to do before I’m 40 has begun. Number one, inspired by Lou Morgan, is to have a go at archery. I’ve always wanted to, so why not now?

Lou, by the way has a new book coming out in July from Solaris and, as you can see below, the cover of Blood and Feathers is pretty darned special.


    • Stupidly productive. I don’t know what was in my drinks last week.

      I’ll fill you in on LEGO next time I see you, which will hopefully be soon…

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