Happy Bank Holiday Monday!
I thought I’d kick off the week with a couple of reviews of Encounters of Sherlock Holmes which have been doing the rounds online, specifically relating to my story, ‘The Demon Slasher of Seven Sisters’
At Starburst, Ed Fortune says of the collection as a whole:
Fans of Holmes looking for a strong anthology that just happens to feature some of the most exciting upcoming genre fiction talent in the UK today should take a look.
And of my story:
Cavan Scott’s Demon Slasher of the Seven Sisters is a great example of what this collection is all about; a clever re-mix of familiar themes and ideas, presented in a fresh yet familiar way.
Meanwhile, over at Den of Geek, Gerri Mahn says:
A pastiche of Sherlock Holmes mysteries, this anthology actually includes stories from a few different genres. Don’t panic! The contributors clearly know their Holmes and they know their history; even if they are not all Doyle purists or single minded devotees of Steampunk. If you are also an eclectic who enjoys a good mystery and who can approach the anthology with an open mind, then you are in for a good read, practically cover to cover.
Of ‘The Demon Slasher’ Gerri also notes:
One of the few stories not told from Watson’s perspective. My personal favorite (but I am a sucker for a plucky heroine).
The story also seems to have gone down well with Goodreads reviewer Rigu Ganguly:
“The Demon Slasher of Seven Sisters” by Cavan Scott: BEST story of the book, and I would most definitely be looking forward towards reading more stories penned by this author.
So glad the story is going down well. A new short featuring Henrietta Stead and George Rayne has been swirling around my head over the last couple of days. Perhaps it’s time to return to the world of the The London Examiner.
Encounters of Sherlock Holmes is edited by George Mann and published by Titan Books. It is available to buy from Amazon, iTunes and all good bookshops.
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