First Captain America poster appears online

The mean and moody Captain America poster

The teaser poster for Captain America: The First Avenger has appeared online, prior to the first trailer being released this weekend.

Revealed by, the poster shows former Human Torch, Chris Evans, is a sombre pose, head bowed as the dirt of battle flies around him. Appropriately, his star-spangled costume and shield look like they’ve really been through the wars.

I must admit that, like many a Brit I’d imagine, good ol’ Cap has never really done it for me, but the more I see of Steve Roger’s upcoming big screen debut the more intrigued I am. I suppose in this day and age, when patriotism isn’t always seen as a good thing and with the world still hurting after the Gulf War, it was inevitable that Captain America would receive a darker treatment.

I doubt we’ll ever see Cap as jolly as he was back in ’66.

Now, can we start the campaign for Captain Britain to hit the silver screen?

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