Doctor Who: The Lost Flame

Last Saturday we said goodbye to two of the Twelfth Doctor’s companions in the shape of Bill Potts and Nardole (and wasn’t the season finale great?) Today, we bid farewell to two more, namely the Doctor’s temporary companions Brandon and Alex who first appeared in January’s The Lost Angel. 

Now their adventures with the Doctor come to an end as the TARDIS trio finally unravel the mystery of exactly who has been teaching humans to control Weeping Angels and summon pan-dimensional time demons.

I’ve teamed up with George Mann once again to tell this final story which is read wonderfully by actress Clare Higgins, known to Doctor Who fans as High Priestess Ohila. As you might gather from her presence, the adventure takes the Doctor back to visit the Sisterhood of Karn, and finds him on the wrong side of a diagnosis from the sinister Medrones (as designed for our amazing cover by artist Lee Johnson)

Working on this mini-series of audiobook originals has been a joy. Thanks to my partner in time, George, our editors John Ainsworth and Michael Stevens, and all the incredible readers for making it such a blast.

I really hope you’ve enjoyed Alex and Brandon’s trips in the TARDIS. The Lost Flame is available from all good bookshops, including Amazon.


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