Doctor Who: The Eternal Battle cover revealed

I’d just sent out my latest email newsletter, when something rather wonderful appeared on Twitter. Isn’t it always the way?

But I had to share it with you now, as it’s too exciting for words. Big Finish have revealed the cover of Doctor Who: The Eternal Battle, the upcoming Fourth Doctor audio adventure written by me and m’colleague Mark Wright.

Here it is:


It’s difficult to explain how much this means to me. Growing up, Tom Baker was my Doctor, and Romana and K9 were my TARDIS team. To write a script for Tom, Lalla Ward and John Leeson is both wonderful and slightly surreal. Plus, Sontaran extraordinaire Dan Starky of course! What a cast!

It all started with an email from producer David Richardson asking if Mark and I fancied writing a horror story starring Sontarans. How could we refuse?

Here’s the official blurb:

The TARDIS lands in a battleground on an alien world where Sontarans and humans are at war. But what are the vicious feral creatures that are hunting in this wasteland?

Doctor Who: The Eternal Battle is released in February 2017. Visit the Big Finish website to pre-order the audio now!

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