The mad world of multiple deadlines continues, but I’m coming out of my writer’s cave because yesterday Previews came out with the covers of the Doctor Who Twelfth Doctor 2015 Holiday Special that I’m writing with my buddy George Mann.
Here they are, the covers of Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #16 in all their glory.
Aren’t they lovely?
Excited to be working with Mariano Laclaustra on the art too. Some of the designs he’s been producing are AMAZING!
In other news, I don’t really have a writer’s cave, but now I want one, with writer’s poles to slide down and everything. Batman has a giant dinosaur and a colossal coin in his cave. I want a giant inflatable Dalek and a colossal chocolate chip cookie in mine!
Please can someone make this happen for me at the earliest convenience. Thank you.
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