Comic news: Penguins of Madagascar #4 by Cavan Scott and Lucas Ferreyra

Here’s some news I’ve been sitting on for a couple of months. I’ve written an issue of Titan Comics’ Penguins of Madagascar mini-series.

Issue 4 is out next month, and features stunning artwork from the hyper-talented Lucas Ferreyra.

I can’t share any of the actual art from the issue yet, but Lucas has kindly let me have some sketches of the elitist of elite flightless fighters as a taster.

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SKIPPER 000 - Lucas Ferreyra

POM - Lucas Ferreyra 009

Operation: Heist is a full 22-page story featuring the characters from the hit Dreamworks movie. Appearing in issue 4 of Penguins of Madagascar, it goes on sale Wednesday 25 February (order code: DEC141679).

More news as I can reveal it.

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