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Episode Three. Ext. Coles Wood.

FX: Rex crashes through but stops running, fighting for his breath.

Rex: Got to stop… Catch my breath… Not long though… not far behind… got to get away.

We hear the angel arrive…

FX:Angel: Why do you run Rex?

Rex: Oh no. Not you again.

Angel: Why do you not hear?

Rex: Why can’t you leave me alone?

Angel: I have someone who wants to talk to you Rex.

Rex: Who? What are you talking about now?

FX: Maggie appears behind Rex. Her voice is distant but close at the same time.

Maggie: Hello Rex.

Rex: What? Maggie? But. But you’re…

Maggie: Dead. Yes I am. And I tell you something Rex, you can see the whole picture from this side of the fence.

Rex: No. I won’t believe it.

Maggie: Then you’re a fool. You should listen to these people. You should hear what they have to say.

Rex: But they’re not saying anything.

Angel: Yes we are Rex, you’re just not listening.

Maggie: You have to go with them, see. You have to trust them.

Rex: Why should I?

Angel: To escape the tragedy.

Rex: The what?

Maggie: It’s true. I’ve seen it. I’ve seen the future. The entire village is going to be wiped out.

Rex: No. No I don’t believe it.

Angel: You should.

Maggie: I didn’t want to believe it myself. But it is true. Those kids, the two boys and the girl, they’re the start of it. They ain’t even human Rex. They’re different.

Rex: But what am I supposed to do, eh? I don’t understand anymore.

Maggie: You don’t have to understand. You’ve been chosen.

Angel: We’ve come to release you from fate. To offer safety.

Maggie: And you should take it. It’s too late for me. But you have your entire future ahead of you. You want to be safe don’t you?

Rex: Yes, but…

Maggie: But nothing. Go with him. They’ll treat you right.

Rex: Yes, yes. I want to be safe.

Angel: This way Rex. Walk with me.

Rex: Walk with you. Yes.

FX: Rex and the Angel walk off into the wood, leaving ‘Maggie’ alone. She begins to talk but as she does her voice morphs into that of a Halcalan.

Maggie: That’s it Rex. Walk into the light. Take our hand. Join the…

Halcalan: … dance. Feed her. Feed us.